Marketing Skills You Must Have In 2023

Marketing Skills You Must Have In 2023

And it’s understandable: every brand, big and small, wants organic search traffic for two reasons:

  • It is extremely pertinent and intent-driven: People who type queries into Google’s search box are looking for answers and solutions.
  • It is not disruptive. SEO, unlike almost any other channel, does not disrupt browsing journeys: Search users are not browsing feeds or checking emails; they are looking for you.

Furthermore, organic traffic is likely to continue even if a company discontinues active campaigns. It may slow down if a company does not maintain it, but it does not require active daily budgets, only a strong team to support what is already there.

For all of these reasons, having SEO knowledge and experience will most likely be a significant asset to your resume. You can begin developing that skill right away by actively researching, taking SEO courses, and volunteering to assist charitable organizations in achieving their SEO objectives.

Content Planning

Most digital marketing campaigns rely heavily on content. A good copy is required for almost everything, including organic or PPC landing pages, social media updates, email marketing, and so on.

Writing well is a skill that can be honed. It is advantageous to have a well-written blog or to contribute to well-known publications.